Blackface Sheep

July 1, 2018 Update:
We have decided to disperse our Blackface flock and concentrate on our Dorsets.
We have 35 ewes and ewe lambs for sale.  Prices range from $270 to $350 and some of them have CLRC registration papers.
There are also 2 stud rams, a yearling ram and 10 ram lambs available.
Contact us if you are interested at or give us a call at 306-726-4447.

In September 2014, we purchased a dispersal flock of 100 Blackface sheep. These beautiful sheep originate from the country of our ancestors – Scotland.  
We breed half of the ewes to the purebred Blackface rams and the other half to Bluefaced Leicester rams to create Scotch Mules.  We will maintain a nucleus flock of Blackface ewes to produce the Scotch Mules.

 Click here to go to our page about the Scotch Mules.

Some of the Blackface ewes at McDermit Ranch.

Blackface flock sire, Ostara Flaithri 32A as a two year old.

Blackface rams are surprisingly mellow with impressive horns that develop their full curl by the second year of age.  This is our flocksire, Ostara Flaithri 32A as a 2 year old.  He is sired by AI from Scotland.  He is a gentle, quiet natured ram.

Young Blackface ewes and a ewe lamb at McDermit Ranch.

All Blackface rams and ewes are horned, with a black or black and white face and legs.  Crossing them with a polled breed creates polled offspring.  The fleece should be free of black fibre and can vary from short, fine wool used for carpets and tweeds to strong, coarse, wool which is sold mainly for the Italian mattress trade.  

Here is a short video about how Harris Tweed is made. 


An older Blackface ewe showing great condition for just being weaned.

The Blackface ewe has a long life and in the UK, will typically give four or five lamb crops on the hill or marginal ground, and a further two or three crops on the lower ground.

SBF Ewes With Lambs (Internet photo)

They are hardy and thrifty, birthing and raising their lambs unaided by the shepherd.  These ”Easy Care” ewes lamb easily, quickly, and aided by the mothering of the attentive ewe, lambs are up and feeding in a very short time. The ewes are defensive of their lambs and develop a strong bond.


They are also footrot resistant and there has never been a case of natural occurring Scrapie in a Blackface sheep.